
3 days, 40 days khatam and sending esaal-e-thawaab for the deceased

Q: Please could you clearly and explicitly explain the reason for 3 days, 40 days (etc.) Khatam not being permissible.

Due to many families already being entrenched in these actions, what other permissible substitutes (preferably containing feeding, reading) you advise with can be carried out, fulfilling the same purpose which is to send esaale sawaab for the deceased?

Having control over the angels

Q: I met few people who claim to have possession over angels. According to them Allah has created an angel (Muwakkil) of each word of Quran. If we recite verses of Quran in a specified manner and count over a specific number of days approximately 41. We can control angels that are allocated to that verses. Is it permissible? What is the ruling of Islam if an individual practice it?