
Serving special meals to Ulama

Q: If in a gathering where meals are served, there are Ulama as well as non Ulamaa who are present. Will it be against the Sunnah to present normal meals to the general people and special meals to the Ulamaa?

We find the same scenario in the Ijtima where there is a special section for the Ulamaa' wherein extras special meals are served. Will it be against simplicity for an A'alim to eat in the Ulamaa section in the Ijtima?

3 days, 40 days khatam and sending esaal-e-thawaab for the deceased

Q: Please could you clearly and explicitly explain the reason for 3 days, 40 days (etc.) Khatam not being permissible.

Due to many families already being entrenched in these actions, what other permissible substitutes (preferably containing feeding, reading) you advise with can be carried out, fulfilling the same purpose which is to send esaale sawaab for the deceased?