
The knowledge, wisdom and love of Allah Ta`ala is beyond our understanding and comprehension

Q: I am contacting you to seek help.

A friend of mine is losing her imaan, she has been through a lot of hardship in her life and is losing hope. There are some questions she has that I am unqualified to answer so I thought you could answer them for me.

The questions she has are "Why has Allah allowed suffering to the innocent?" "Why did Allah not put us in Jannah in the first place instead of sending us to the Dunya?" "Allah says He loves us more that 70 mothers could, but He allows us to suffer even though we call on Him for help and relief, what can explain that?" "It is said that no one will enter Jannah without imaan, then what about the people who have never heard of Islam?"

Please assist me in bringing her back on the right path. I will be ever grateful. 

Understanding the meaning of "Allah Ta'ala has full control over everything"

Q: I'm feeling very confused because of not asking questions. The main question is about the fact that Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) has full control over everything, even good deeds and bad deeds, so how do we enter Jannah and Jahannam since He has control already and decides who is guided and who isn't and we make duaa to Him not to misguide us.

We thank Him for guiding us and protecting us from sins so it means that He has full control. When Abu Talib was about to pass away, Allah (SubhaanaHu Wa Ta'alaa) said that He guides whom He wills.

I have seen how He changes hearts. If I commit a sin, my parents and other family members become harsh or emotionally hurt me and if I say Tawbah, they become changed. In a Hadith, we are told that our Lord's anger and pleasure are shown in parents. Is this possible that He is punishing me through my parents or rewarding me for reaching a higher part of Jannah? What opinion should I have of Him?

Please answer both of these doubts. 

Spring Day

Q: What is the status of Muslim schools and madrasahs for kids celebrating Spring Day (the 1st day of spring) by making kids bring flowers or planting flowers, eating ice cream, etc. Thereafter giving it an Islamic theme like seeing the greatness of Allah in spring, etc. However doing it on this same day i.e. first day of spring. Is this allowed in or is it tashabbuh bil kuffar? 

Conversing with Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and sharing one's thoughts at the Rawdah Mubarak

Q: Is it permissible to converse with Rasulullah ﷺ, share one's thoughts, etc at the Rawdah Mubarak, considering that Nabi ﷺ is hayaat (alive) and will be able to hear one from that vicinity or is it only restricted to salaam and request for intercession?

Ash'ari and Maturidi beliefs

Q: I want to enquire regarding Ash'ari and Maturidi theology/beliefs. What do they entail and why do we (اهل السنة والجماعة) follow these imams?

What beliefs of these do we follow as Ahnaaf/Shawafi?

How does following them tie into following the madhaahib?

Is there any detailed books on this authored by reliable authors?

Following the group AICP

Q: Here in France and in several places of the world such as the United States, England, Australia and other countries there is a group calling itself AICP or Ahbash of Lebanon. They are a sect founded by the Ethiopian Abdullah al-Harari, ILIMAN of this group of interesting knowledge.

The problems is that he declares a very large number of Sunni Muslims to be disbelievers, and that even the most gentle people seem suspicious in their eyes. It is complicated because we are really in trouble. They seem to fight the mistaken beliefs of the Salafists but the problem is that many brothers who do not have the mistaken beliefs of the Salafists are disturbed by their takfir on a lot of personalities. Do we have to learn the knowledge of this group or do away? What are your recommendations. We are exhausted seeing every Muslim like suspicious if he doesn't have the beliefs of this group.

Authentic books on Stories of the Prophets (alaihimus salaam) and Seerah

Q: Do you have any history books on Islam (be it Stories of the Prophets alayhis salam, or just general history books on Islam)? On top of reading Bahisthi zewar, I'd like to learn more about the history of Islam and stories of the prophets Alayhis salam so I'd like to know the names of a few books that I can read.

Also do you know any authentic books about the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? And books about the Sahabbah radiyallah anhum?

These books can be in Urdu or English but preferably English and length comprehensive books I would prefer.