
Feeling depressed over other people's wealth and comforts

Q: I am married. We are financially not fantastic with both of us working with 3 kids. We live with my parents. We bought an investment and sold it off but covid came and we could not repurchase a home. Now things are expensive, it's hard to get by even on two incomes. Family and friends all around me seem to be financially killing it, bought homes, have good jobs, can afford to send kids to good schools.

I feel resentment for ever getting married, listening to my parents and having kids. I feel anger towards my husband for not being financially settled and mapping out and striving for a better financially secure future. How can I get rid of these thoughts and feelings. I try being grateful and just working hard and praying but around me someone or another will mention their recent good job or house purchase or financial gains and I will go back to the bad thoughts.

Taubah from making gheebat (backbiting)

Q: Sometime ago I backbit and engaged in alot of idle talk about alot of people as I was not much of a practicing Muslim. Those people are not aware of my backbiting. Now I have turned back to Allah; I have repented alot and repented sincerely and realized my mistake.

It turns out that the people I used to backbite are alot since I dont remember them all can I make dua generally for all people that I backbit without taking their names or mentioning them? like "Ya Allah, forgive all the people that I backbit and raise them in ranks".

Also, will Allah Ta'ala forgive me? I am afraid if I tell those people that I backbit them it will cause some hatred in their hearts for me. So i decided not to approach them and repented sincerely. 

Making a marriage public via social media by posting pictures of the couple to have more people to witness the nikaah

Q: Is it permissible to make a marriage public via social media?

For example, since a marriage must be made public, can I post a photo of my spouse and me together on Instagram since I will then have more than two witnesses? Does that meet the condition of making marriage public, which the Prophet insisted upon?