
Breastfeeding one's baby in front of a toddler

Q: Is my 2.5 year old toddler allowed to see my breast? 

I have a 3 week old baby and my milk supply is low. I have been advised by lactation specialist to let baby suckle as much as possible to increase my supply, minimum is 30 min every 2 hrs. But my toddler only sleeps 1 hour some days. I am alone during the day and nowhere to put my toddler every 2 hrs. 

So my question is, am I allowed to breastfeed my baby in front of my toddler?

Watching movies

Q: A lot of series and movies contain characters that use expressions like 'holy cow' or 'holy shi*'. I know that watching such movies or series is not beneficial and has to be avoided. Assumed that one watches such series in which actors say 'holy shi*' as an expression of astonishment, does it entail kufr for the one that watches it (and dislikes it in his heart)?

Muslim vet treating pigs

Q: I've recently encountered a vet who works with pigs. I've tried to encourage her that pigs are impure animals but she claims we not allowed to consume or touch its carcus which to my knowledge is correct but my question is, Can we as Muslims touch and love pigs like how the kufr do?

Making taubah for making nasheed CD's with music

Q: If many years ago (sometimes before bulugh and sometime after) if one used to make a CD for family members so they could use the CDs in their cars and the CDs would have nasheeds on them (mostly with music but not all), and if at least with one relative he used to try to get something out doing so i.e. being taken to a store to buy a magazine.

The way he made these CDs were by downloading a YouTube video to mp3 file (which YouTube would have been against) and then putting the mp3 file on a CD.

Now, would he have to find those naat and nasheed artists and owe/pay them any money, especially those artists who didn’t use music?

Interacting with a murtad

Q: I have a relative that turned to Christianity. He therefore is a murtad for more than 30 years and I refuse to associate with him. Some family members however associate with him as per normal. I even saw him recently in a masjid for his mother's janaaza taking part in the salaah.

I would appreciate if you can advise as everyone thinks I'm at fault as I must greet and interact with him to show him the beauty of Islam although he is a born Muslim. We tried in the beginning but he regrettably still practices Christianity.