
Surrogacy in Islam

Q: Is surrogacy allowed in Islam? Can an individual use his sperm and another lady's egg to be fertilised after which she will carry the baby on behalf of his wife?

In the case where it is your sperm and your wife's egg, can another woman be the surrogate mother? I would like to know the permissibility and the reason for permissibility if there is. Can the womb be used as a rental space to carry a child? Is it like being a milk mother? If the woman carrying the child for someone else is married, what will be the status of nikaah? Can the surrogate child be your mahram?

In 1975, the television was regarded as not permissible, and also certain gelatine were also referred to as not permissible, and today our fatwas have changed regarding many matters.

What is your view on surrogacy, as it is not a sperm entering another woman, but an embryo that is a totally different form? 

Ringtones with a musical tune

Q: Certain phones have ringtones which have a tune.

1. Is this considered as music and hence haram? Some are a basic tune e.g. the Nokia tune, the Samsung whistle tune.

2. If the phone is very basic and does not have any other options for ringtone apart from the musical tone, what should one do?

Having meals with non-mahrams

Q: Is it permissible for me to sit and eat with my girl cousins while her father, mother, brother and my mother are also seated there.

Also, can I say جَزَاكَ اللَّهُ خَيْرًا and speak about general things like Madrasah with her mother, who is my mother's brother's wife while they are wearing abaya and scarf but part of their hair or neck is exposed?

Taking pictures of one's child for memories of precious moments

Q: I’m a first time mother. Together with my husband, we have decided not to take pictures of our baby or let anyone else as well. We ourselves don’t take pictures/videos of each other.

I love how my infant looks now and how she looked as a baby MashaAllah TabarkAllah , but as she’s growing, I’m forgetting all of that and it makes me sad. I haven’t felt very tempted to take a picture but sometimes I look down and feel bittersweet; feeling grateful and happy and also feeling like one day I’ll forget a precious moment.

I was wondering, would it be ok if I took pictures but kept them just for myself, never printing them?