
Using emojis

Q: Is it khilaaf-e-sunnah to use emojis that have laughing faces while chatting on WhatsApp? As our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) didn't laugh showing his mubarak teeth.

Looking after the wealth of an autistic person


1. If an autistic baaligh child does not know the value of wealth, will her wealth be like the wealth of a non-baligh orphan? Meaning that her wealth would be given to her guardians to use only in the interests of the child.

2. I have an autistic relative. I have some of her wealth in my possession for safe-keeping as I fear that if I give it to her parents, they may misuse it. Meaning that they may use it for their other children also (not only in the interests of the autistic child). What should I do with that wealth?

3. If I have that wealth in my possession for safe-keeping, and someone (non-baligh) uses it without my knowledge, would I have to pay back any amount to the autistic child?

Sharing pictures of women on social media

Q: On Twitter, there's a social media account where a person anonymously receives and posts stories to his followers of peoples’ samoosa runs. He claims that the stories are anonymous and he has inspired many people. The female fans flock over his stories and get emotional if the story doesn't end well and create fantasies of their own lives when they read a good story. He has posted 128 stories over 3 years. Recently, he posted a picture of a car of someone who saw a girl in a random car and wanted to track her down so he posted that picture for his followers to identify the person. Is it permissible to take pictures of strange women and post them on the internet for such purposes? Is it permissible to continue posting such stories when this is the lengths people will go to?