
Islamic ruling on niqaab

Q: I reverted to Islam 5 years ago. I have a doubt regarding the clothing of women. What is the actual clothing of a woman according to Quran and hadith. Some say that niqab is compulsory and some says it is not. I know it's better to wear niqab. But I want to know what actually Allah says. What is compulsory or what is the sunnah.

Watching videos on YouTube

Q: I read one of your fatwas entitled “Nose surgery to straighten one's nose” where someone asked a question mentioning watching a YouTube video of some Shaikh. As you replied to the answer, you also added that “ Viewing YouTube videos is impermissible. If you had viewed it, then you should make taubah and refrain from repeating this sin in the future”.

I have a small question, rather request a clarification whether it is a sin viewing any video (including of Ulama) or particularly those illicit immoral videos.