
Maintaining family ties with relatives who are jealous

Q: Our relatives sometimes hurt us, like some of our cousins are jealous of us and do things that actually hurts us and try to degrade us. At first, all our relatives would dine with us but when they started being jealous of us, all our relatives were far away from us, especially from our family and because of that I am in very bad condition.

I am mentally disturbed... and I actually don't know what to do. I am just making sabr, because at this point I can't do anything and this thing is actually happening for 3 to 4 years already. What does Islam teach us to do at this point?

Being sinful for stray thoughts

Q: We have read that we are rewarded for good thoughts, but not sinful for bad thoughts as long as we don’t act on them. But we have also heard that we are responsible for our thoughts and therefore sinful for thinking wrong. So what is true? Because we do think of sins, for example, sometimes our mind just keeps going to some bad thought even though we try to remove that thought from our mind, but it keeps coming. We even pray for that thought to go away, but it doesn’t. So are we sinful for bad thoughts like this?