
Default logo of an outline of a neck and head in emails

Q: Websites and email systems tend to have an option for displaying profile pictures for accounts. If one does not upload a profile picture, a default logo is set as the profile picture. This logo consists of an outline drawing of a neck and head, with no inner details. Is such a picture permissible?

Is it permissible to send people a link to a religious bayan recording that shows such a profile logo on the webpage containing the recording?

Creating a YouTube channel without animate pictures

Q: I want to know if I am allowed to create a YouTube Channel? I will not show my face or body. People will only see my hands while cooking. I will only share some recipes and some useful conversation related to life and health. I also want to show my children offering prayers and will encourage my Muslim sisters to start salaah with their children. I want share some healthy routine life and if I get enough viewership, it will become my profession. Please advise if I am allowed according to Shariah Law.

Meaning of jealousy

Q: Is jealousy and envy the same sin... If jealousy is felt without the intention of harm, will it be considered as a sin because sometimes I feel jealous for loved ones who get attached to any other person and don't give time to me... Is this the same as envy or is it normal because I have no intention of harm?

Holding a grudge against one's father

Q: I am a 36 year old divorced woman living at my parents' place. I have some past grudges and current complaints against my father, I consider him responsible for most of my misfortunes; but since he is my father, I need to be respectful, but the problem is I get out of my control as soon as I happen to see him or even worse, if he speaks to me or wants me to do something for him. All my distress comes back and my injuries get fresh again. This is why I try to avoid him but most of the time this is not possible since we are living in the same house, though I keep quiet in front of him, but as soon as he is gone, I start shouting, cring, beating myself and cursing him and using abusive language about him. I don't do this intentionally but it just happens and I cannot do anything about it. I am extremely stressed and emotionally disturbed due to this. It's happening for more than five years.

Kindly suggest some remedy.

Taking care of one's ill father

Q: My dad is now a coronavirus patient and lives in another city. Being a girl, am I allowed to travel to another city so that I can take care of him? I otherwise live with my mother in another city... they have separated thus they don't live with each other. Am I sinful for not being able to be near him at his time of needs?

Is it compulsory to follow the advice of a doctor?

Q: My question is regarding recent time of crisis when some of my fellow Muslims deny the lockdown and go to masjid. I try to convince them but need a proper basis. Somewhere I read, that it is mentioned in hadees, that If a person goes against the saying of doctor and eats prohibited things by doctor/expert which result to his death, it will be considered as suicide. Is it true? If yes, where is it mentioned.