
The Islamic belief regarding sicknesses and contagious diseases


1. What is the correct Islamic belief regarding sicknesses, diseases, epidemics, etc.?  Are they contagious or not?

2. Please provide a detailed explanation of the following two Ahaadith narrated in regard to sicknesses,  لا عدوى ولا طيرة  - (there are no contagious sicknesses nor any bad omens) and فر من المجذوم كما تفر من الاسد-  (flee from a leper as you will flee from a lion).

It apparently seems as though the meanings of both these Ahaadith contradict each other.  What is the correct understanding and reconciliation of both these Ahaadith?

3. At the time of an epidemic, what is the Islamic teaching in dealing with people who are afflicted?

4. During the time of an epidemic, did the Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum) who were not afflicted attend the Musjid for salaah?

Regret for speaking harshly to one's mother

Q: I am 21 years old. I love my mother but I spoke harshly to her today relating to my marriage issues and she cried. My father died when I was young and she alone raised me. I've hurt her today very badly. I've said sorry to her but I just can't get it out of my head that my mother cried because of me. Can you please tell me what should I pray to erase this mighty sin off my shoulders?