Married man liking posts of women on Facebook
Q: Is it permissable for married man to like posts on Facebook by young flirtatious unmarried or divorced women in the same community?
Q: Is it permissable for married man to like posts on Facebook by young flirtatious unmarried or divorced women in the same community?
Q: What is the law of fitnah?
What is the name of people who make fitnah?
Q: Nowadays baby diapers come along with cartoon pictures printed or stuck on them like Tom and Jerry, etc. Should those pictures be scribbled with a marker? Will we be sinful if the diaper, although being covered with pyjamas, is left with unerased cartoon pictures?
Q: I wanted to ask if all of the following are haraam:
1. Painting an impressionistic drawing of human, meaning a blurr or a silhouette to represent a human but not clearly painting the features.
2. Drawing a human figure with no face with the sole purpose of representing clothes.
3. Drawing cartoons with very unrealistic features for example a triangle for a nose and dots for eyes.
4. Drawing humans without a face.
Q: Does Islam allow a woman to do breast augmentation? I have been through a couple of articles on the internet which says you can, however it depends on your reason for wanting to increase the breast size.
My reason: I am really flat chested, my breasts never grew at all, not even after having two kids. I am married so I'm not doing this to beautify myself for other men, I just really feel uncomfortable and embarrassed and just want to increase my breast size a little so that it can look "normal".
Q: Is it permissible to use pampers/diapers that have moorat (pictures) on them? If not what's the solution?
Q: Are you sinning if you disobey your parents if you refuse to marry who they want you to?
1. Is straightening with one's legs stretched out in the presence of one's parents haraam?
2. What if this is done on the presence of an elder?
3. Is it allowed to sit with one's legs stretched out while eating? Is it showing disrespect to the food?
Q: What is tafarrud?
Q: Allah Ta'ala commands us to join family ties. Who exactly falls under the term family? Are one's in laws included in this command as well?