
Performing fardh salaah in a car

Q: While travelling in a car, my family prayed the obligatory namaz sitting in the car. Later I found out that sitting while being able to stand invalidates namaz. It was also raining heavily so is the prayer valid as it was done out of ignorance or should I tell my family to repeat those prayers?

If they have to repeat it, should it be prayed as qasr?

Performing the sunnah muakkadah salaah before and after the zuhr salaah

Q: Today, my Moulana told us that if we did not read the full 12 rakaats of Zuhr Salaah, then we should go and read it. I had only read the 4 fardh and I was rushing a lot. We were writing our Jamiatul Ulama exams so I thought that if I go to read the sunnats, then I will have less time to write the paper, so I lied to my Ustaad and did not go to read the sunnats. Now I am feeling bad for deceiving and lying to my Ustaad. Will I be sinful if I leave out performing the sunnats?

Making qadha if haidh started during a salaah time


1. My menstruation cycle is regular in the sense that I have 14 clean days, 1 day istihaza and 10 days haiz. It's the same every time. So it starts at 4.43pm. I am usually always alert about performing my asr salaah before the time of haiz starts. Unfortunately today I was unwell earlier and had to sleep and over slept and only awoke after the time of haiz began. Will this asr Salaah be considered as qaza?

2. As a saahib tartib if I make ghusl and I have only enough time to perform the fard salaah and not the qazaa. When do I read the qazaa?

Woman covering the feet in salaah

Q: Is not covering the feet below the ankles for woman against sunnah? I have severe waswasa and I found out that except for Hanafi's, others consider the feet as awrah. Are my prayers invalid as I didn't cover it after knowing about the ruling. Why do Hanafi's not consider the feet as awrah. I feel scared that my namaz isn't valid. What should I do?