
Musaafir mistakenly performing 4 rakaats Zuhr Salaah while leading a congregation for an entire week

Q: If a musaafir mistakenly leads a congregation in Zuhr Salaah for an entire week whilst performing 4 rakaats, and only realizes after that, then what is the status of the other musaafirs' Salaahs - those who performed salaah behind such an Imam?

Will their Salaah be valid/complete due to the passing of time?

Covid positive person attending the musjid


1. If one is diagnosed with Covid, should he isolate and read his salaah at home, or should he go to the masjid if he is affected mildly (i.e. body strength, very light cough, and fever, minor difficulty in breathing, etc.)?

2. If a person who is Covid positive and goes to the masjid and the other musallis are aware that he is positive, will he then be sinful for inconveniencing Muslim brothers as unfortunately not everyone is comfortable being around the sick these days?

Motivation to perform salaah

Q: I find it hard to motivate myself to do what is right for me and my religion.

Example, I wake up three consecutive days and pray tahajjud. After that I am unable to even wake up. The same applies to the five times Salaah and seeking knowledge. I become lazy and end up forfeiting all these acts of virtues for a long period of time. When I do end up starting again, I do it for another three days and leave it again. I wish to be consistent in Allah's obedience and worship.