
Can Tahajjud become fardh on a person?

Q: My question is about tahajjud...

My mother often, not regularly, wakes up for tahajjud and offers tahajjud namaaz as she cannot do so due to her health. She offers it regularly in Ramadhaan, Shawwal, Muharram and Zil Hajj, etc. (special months). Me and my sister also offer tahajjud daily Alhamdulillah.

Recently, one of my relatives told my mother that if you have started offering tahajjud namaaz or if you offered it one day, you cannot quit it. It becomes fardh for you. I told my mother that this is baseless since a nafal namaz cannot become fardh but she wants to confirm it. Please clarify this according to the Ahle-e-sunnat sect. 

Judging people performing salaah

Q: I pray in the female prayer room in the university I go to, so there’s usually a lot of people around me praying with me. Unfortunately, my brain keeps focusing on their salah and judging how they pray, instead of focusing on my own salah and my own mistakes. It’s a terrible habit I have and I’m really disappointed in myself for having these thoughts. Please, any tips to stop this from happening? Should I pray on my own next time, just to avoid passing judgements on others?

University student delaying salaah

Q: I have a few questions;

1. I’m a student at a university in Saudi Arabia. I sometimes have lectures from 3pm- 4pm, when asr time is around 3:20pm. The Muslims around me don’t get up and perform their salah when the prayer is called, they make it up after the lecture is over. So I wanted to ask, is it permissible to not attend to salaah because you are in a lecture hall while the teacher is teaching? I was very confused because I didn’t know whether I was just being overly attentive to my salah times and stressing over how to manage my classes timings and the salaah timings, or whether it’s essential for us Muslims to attend to our salaah immediately and a lecture is no excuse.

2. Sometimes I am eating, and the azaan is called, what should I do in that case? Should I stop eating and pray, then come back and finish my food? Or should I finish my food and then go pray?