Business and Dealings

Working for a clothing store that sells shirts with pictures of animate objects

Q: Is it permissible to work for a clothing store that sells shirts with pictures of animate objects, such as humans and animals? Not all the shirts have these objects but some do. Would the earnings from being a sales associate at such store where one greets customers, puts the clothing on the shelves, works the cash register, etc be halal?

Purchasing a TV on interest

Q: I bought a TV with option of no cost emi of 3 months. After emi completion, Later I found out that it is not permissible and it involves interest as bank gives loan and charges interest and then I checked my statement and found out.

I usually buy items paying all amount but this happened first time that I had to take this option of no cost emi. From the day, I came to know I am feeling bad. Should I sell of my TV or keep it? If I sell I won't even get 50% of amount which I took. So I am in a dilema. What should I do in this case.

Seller charging more than the fixed price when selling an item

Q: I bought an electronic item from a store and it was discussed that the amount would be 67000 INR even if I pay once or in 3 installments. On the bill it was mentioned that 22333x3 will be deducted from my card every month for 3 months and also it was mentioned as 65300 as principal and 1700 as interest. Is this allowed as the amount was fixed?

Later, I found out in the statement that around 100 rupees was charged extra and total amount which they took was 67100 INR.