Reward of one who gets a miscarriage
Q: What is the reward of one who gets a miscarriage?
Q: What is the reward of one who gets a miscarriage?
Q: There is much confusion amongst people of knowledge regarding the term, 'difference of opinion'. Many students and scholars alike latch onto this term when it comes to social distancing in salaah and the closure of Masaajid. To clarify this dilemma, please provide us with guidance regarding the following:
1. Is social distancing in Salaah and Musjid closure a valid difference of opinion?
2. What are the limits of and what type of valid difference of opinions ought to be respected?
Q: If someone had a question thinking about Aqeedah, that question being “Do we say that we worship the Zaat of Allah? Do we say that we worship the Sifaat of Allah?” How would you respond?
Q: I was reading about those who slaughter an animal for the Jinn. I read that if the slaughtered animal is dedicated to a Jinn or Shaitaan, this will be an act of major Shirk (associating partners with Allah Ta'ala).
I have heard the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah mention, “There is scholarly consensus that it is not permissible to prostrate to anyone or anything besides Allah Ta'ala. However, without the intention of worship, then this is not outright disbelief (kufr).”
My question is that in the first case, where they slaughter the animal for the Jinn, if someone who did this claimed that it was not shirk because it’s like the example mentioned about prostration, then how would you respond to them?
Q: What is destiny and what part of it can be changed by our duas? It is said that dua changes our Qadr if Allah wills. But what part of our destiny is unchangeable and what part can be changed? How much of Qadr can be changed by our duas?
Q: Will women see Allah Ta'ala in Jannah as frequently as men?
Q: If a person earns haraam money or eats food containing haraam then his dua is not accepted, does that include Quranic supplications or durood sharif sent upon Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?
Q: If a person thinks that doing love affairs is not a sin, and kissing his girlfriend is not a sin, but he believes that zina is a sin. Will he become a kafir?
Q: Clarification on zikr, self hypnosis in regard to some sufi practices.
1. Are self-hypnosis techniques like whirling dervishes common during the Rumi era, haraam? Are their practices considered a bid'ah?
2. Likewise many groups hold zikr sessions which last a long time. It includes chanting, is this considered a bid'ah?
3. Many buzurgs get buried with a small part of the kiswa fabric. Is this considered a bid'ah? Is calling any of these practices openly a bid'ah, haraam?
Q: I recently attended a nikaah where the mufti gave a lecture... He quoted Shakespeare about love... Is it permissible to quote kaafirs even though we don't follow their ways?