Teaching deen to the opposite gender
Q: I learnt in Islam that it is very bad to reveal one's personal secrets to others, but is there any danger in teaching my Muslim brother something new I learnt about Deen like how to perform ghusl?
Q: I learnt in Islam that it is very bad to reveal one's personal secrets to others, but is there any danger in teaching my Muslim brother something new I learnt about Deen like how to perform ghusl?
Q: When people in my family get married, they normally make a big thing with the groom. They splash him and throw food on him and make a big noise. This is before the nikaah. When he gets married then they trouble the couple and on the first night they peep and other things.
Would this be emulating kuffaar? I hate participating in this, but they force me to and get angry when I don’t participate and really give it to me. How should I combat this?
Q: Some people drink juice or punch from wine glasses, normally at functions or on Eid day. Would this be correct? A senior Moulana from my town said that it’s haraam because it is emulation of the kuffar. These people claim that there’s nothing wrong with it and it’s just a glass.
Q: If we write the name of Allah Ta'ala on paper and then cross the name out with a pen, will it be permissible to dispose of the paper by throwing it into the bin?
Q: Can we study in English literature?
Q: Can we teach orphans a lesson on parents in the subject of Akhlaaq. I'm teaching them Madrasah and in the Akhlaaq book there is a lesson on how we should respect and treat our parents with kindness.
Q: Is it permissible to wish Hindus "happy Diwali" on the occasion of Diwali?
Q: What is the punishment for the one who insults Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) in the Hanafi fiqh?
Q: Is it permissible to paint and decorate a wall with the Ka'bah image? Will this be considered tauheen, israaf or makrooh?
Q: While using the internet, I came across the traits of a particular type of person as is usually done in astrology. I read three characteristics as I thought it to be based on research and not astrology. But later I found that there was no source of research given (and it could be based on astrology). Will this affect the validity of my salaah?