
Moving to a non-Muslim country to study

Q: I live in a Muslim country. Can I move to Italy which is a non-Muslim country to acquire an mbbs degree and practice medicine? It is neccessary to state that this mbbs degree and practicing medicine is also possible in my Muslim country. I just want to move there due to the extra facilities. So is it permissible to move to Italy knowing that haraam is freely available there?

Befriending non-Muslims and buying haraam food for them

Q: At work with non-Muslims, my colleagues wanted to eat with me and I volunteered to buy the food. They asked me if it is ok if they get pepperoni pizza and I said it is fine. Later I asked them to just go ahead and order so I would not pay for their haraam food.

Since I first said “it was fine” is that kufr because I was too weak to explain to them that I don’t buy haraam food? I feel like I need to redo my Nikah and Hajj.