
Remaining positive when witnessing the crisis of the Ummah

Q: I am greatly troubled with occurrences worldwide e.g. the situations in China, Palestine, Saudi, Iraq, North Korea, etc. Sometimes, I do read the news. Alhumdulillah I am trying to be consistent in my duas and nawafil for the oppressed worldwide.

Can Mufti Saheb please offer some advice on how to remain positive about these situations as well as what we should be doing to help those in need?

Is it alright to read the news occasionally (avoiding all murat i.e. pictures of animate objects)?

How can we remain safe in these times of fitnah? 

Forgiveness for sins

Q: If we had committed any sin in the past and we are not sure if it was a sin, should we ask any Mufti or Aalim regarding that thing or just repent from all sins and move on in life believing Allah has forgiven us?