
Leaving stray cats on the road

Q: A stray cat was living in our home since we gave her food. One day it was pregnant and came with 4 of her kittens and all of them were living in our house in a bathroom. We provided food and shelter for them. Later, we were not able to look after those stray cats as they grew up due to cleaning issues. Many dogs were around our house and we've seen other stray cats dying because of that. So we decided to take all of them including the mother to a street where there were people looking after other cats. One kitten grabbed my dress and cried to leave me. But I left it there. It is killing me till date. Now I don't know if the kittens are alive or dead.

Will Allah Ta'ala be angry at me for this inhumane act?

How can I compensate for this? We tried calling adoption centres and giving away to family but no one took it. 

The principles prepared by the Fuqahaa are deduced from the Quraan Majeed and Mubaarak Ahaadith

Q: Muslim jurists, 14 centuries back, have expounded certain new principles to carve out Islamic Law, coinciding with the modern theories of law. Can you please let me know what are those new principles? Are they rules of interpretations? Or are they juristic deductions? Or are they both rules of interpretations and juristic deductions?

Forcing people to wear the mask

Q: There is a view amongst some Muslim Scholars during this Covid Pandemic that one should have Tawakkul and ignore the government protocol and recommendations. Even our children in Madrasah are being told to remove their masks, while their schools insist on masks being worn.

Did our Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and his noble Sahabah (radhiyallahu anhum) not wear body armour for protection in preparation for wars? In doing so, did they not have Tawakkul? If these were worn to offer some protection why is our wearing masks and exercising social distancing viewed by some as having no faith in Allah Ta'ala?

The statistics speak for themselves - Muslims make up around 2% of the South African population but account on some days for close up to 30% of the fatalities countrywide. Should the Ulama not be cognizant of this and guide the community accordingly?

Thanking Allah Ta'ala for saving one from committing sins

Q: A person committed some mistake but alhmdullilah, Allah saved him from getting into a big mess. He thanked Allah but he gets thoughts that if he had avoided the mistake, things would have been different, etc. and dwells on his past. He always did some mistakes because of laziness or ignorance but Allah saved him. So, how should he thank Allah but not think of the mistake?

Controlling one's anger

Q: My 18 year old son at times drives me crazy. He always argues and debates. I would like to do my islaah as far as anger is concerned. I have listened and read all the advises and bayaans of the Ulama as far as anger is concerned. But when I am in the situation I forget everything because I am too busy fighting and arguing with him to remember anything. After I have said alot of bad things to him, I regret and feel bad as to how badly I have behaved towards him. How can I reform myself. 

Taubah for a music producer

Q: I used to produce music and instrumentals but alhamdulillah I have repented from both listening to and making music. I am worried about the songs I released before, should I worry about them and try to get them deleted or am I free from it since I repented?

I also produced the background music for a podcast/show. I have sincerely repented from making any more music or sending/promoting my music. I feel absolutely horrible and I hope that this spread of my music doesn't come for me in my grave.


Q: I would like to ask the following question on repentance

1. Does repentance wipe out previous sins?

2. Am I always obliged to confess to the one whom I've wronged even if this might bring severe enmity?

3. How do I feel regret during repenting?

Diving in Islam

Q: Is diving permissible in Islam? If one goes diving with the intention of fulfilling the sunnah of swimming, will this be allowed?

Someone told me that it is impermissible because there is fire under the ocean according to a Hadith. If that is the case then how did the Sahaabah learn how to swim since they did not have swimming pools like how we have today?