
Salaah for an old person who forgets basic things

Q: I am inquiring regarding the prayer of an old woman in her 80s, who forgets daily essentials. For example, she forgets when it is time to eat food or did she already eat or not etc. She forgets her family members, for example if any name of her daughter or grand child is mentioned to her then she would hesitate to say who that person is; family member or stranger. But if she is reminded then she would know the person but again in a minute she would forget completely.

If she hears the Azan being called out then she quickly starts getting ready for salah and performs according to the best of her ability. Then, if she hears another masjid calling azan ~15 minutes later for the same prayer, she prays this salah again because she thinks she hasn’t prayed this salah yet.

Is this woman obliged by shariah to perform her five daily prayers? 

Correcting the Imaam in fardh Salaah

Q: What is the correct procedure when a Hanafi imam makes mistakes or gets stuck during qiraat of the fardh salaah? It occurs often with our imam reciting his weak portions in our fardh salaahs with many times him repeating the same aayat 6/7 times as he cannot continue. Are we allowed to correct? Or should he proceed into ruku? Even if someone does correct he tends to need the same lukhmah a few times before continuing.