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Woman appearing in media Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Wearing expensive clothes and decorating one's house Home, Miscellaneous, Dress & Attire, Miscellaneous
Gambling Gambling, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Reciting from different surahs in salaah Qiraat in Salaah, Qiraat, Method of Salaah, Salaah
Performing Salaatul Tasbeeh in two rakaats salaatut-tasbeeh, Nawaafil, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Wearing clean clothes in the state of janaabah Impurities on the body, Impurities, Tahaarat
Giving up sins Advice
Feeling something coming up to one's throat while fasting Factors that break and don't break the fast, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Water turning into milk on the night of miraaj Authentication, Hadith
Blood clots in an egg Impurities, Tahaarat
Special ibaadah and fasting on Miraaj Aqaaid, Bid'ah
Hadith "Allah ne ummat ki waswaso ko darguzar farmaade" ki tashreeh Hadith, Urdu Questions
Women becoming depressed when hearing about the beauty of the hoors Advice
Business partner drawing a salary Partnerships, Business and Dealings
Returning an item to it's rightful owner Lost and Stolen items, Business and Dealings
Drinking caffeine drinks Halaal Food & Drinks, Food and Drink
Inheritance Inheritance
Signing a khula paper Khula', Talaaq
Responsibility of looking after one's own children Upbringing and Tarbiyah, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Keeping the name Marsha Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Killing a murtad Aqaaid
Can a mother in-law give zakaat to her son in-law? Recipients of Zakaat, Zakaat
Searching for images on Google Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Performing Salaah between pillars Straightening the saffs, Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Alternatives to medical aid and insurance Insurance and Medical aid, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Performing nafl salaah between tahajjud and fajr Times of Salaah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Ruling on gambling Gambling, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Should a person working on a ship perform Jumuah Salaah or Zuhr Salaah? Conditions for Jumuah Salaah, Jumuah
Disposing of interest money Interest and Gambling, Interest money, Business and Dealings
Dealing in riba and alcohol while fasting Various masaail of fasting, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Standing and urinating Istinja, Tahaarat
Will a person who does not practise Islam enter Jannah? Advice
Are problems in life tests or punishment? Advice
Cable office me kaam karna Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Virtue of reciting "Subhanallahi walhamdulillahi wa laa ilaaha illaallahu wallaahu akbar" Zikr & Dua
Ibaadat ke liye waqt nahi Naseehat, Urdu Questions
Is a dry pimple that fell off pure? Impurities on the body, Impurities, Tahaarat
Divorcing a woman while she is pregnant Those situations where Talaaq takes place, Talaaq
Napaak charpaai ko paak karne ka tareeqa Paaki owr Napaaki, Tahaarat, Urdu Questions
"Aahil" naam rakhna Naamo, Urdu Questions
Feeling a sensation in one's private part while fasting Factors that break and don't break the fast, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Kaffarah for breaking an oath Oaths & Vows
Imaam reciting qunoot after rukoo in fajr salaah Qunoot, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Musaafir performing qasar salaah when staying in a town for less than 15 days Qasar Salaah and Full Salaah, Safar, Salaah
Refraining from bad company Commentary, Hadith
Meerath ki taqseem Waraasat, Urdu Questions
Peshaab ke qatre Istinja, Tahaarat, Urdu Questions
Is zakaat compulsory if one's debts are more than one's assets? Factors that make Zakaat compulsory, Zakaat
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Ihraam ka baandhna haidh ki haalat me Hajj owr Umrah, Urdu Questions