
Claiming Allah's help is with a sports team

Q: What is the case of a person or country who rejoices by the victory of a team in a sport that transgresses the limits of Shariah, and claims that Allah has supported this team, that Allah is on their side, that Allah made them triumph over the kafirun? There is mixing of the sexes, music is always played, and the awrah is not covered at all at these sporting gatherings.

I am completely overwhelmed by the behavior of my Muslim brothers.

People converting to Islam during the Qatar World Cup

Q: Reports are coming in that 558 people have converted to Islam during the Qatar World Cup so far. Some are using this as an argument to say that what they are doing is a good thing by hosting the tournament as it’s bringing people closer to Islam. They say that they’ve invited Islamic speakers (Dr. Zakir Naik) and have put up posters of Ahaadith and Azan on loudspeakers which will bring people to Islam (as shown by recent shahadahs).

Kindly comment on this.

Making salaam to people who we don't know whether they are Muslim or not

Q: Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) instructed us Muslims to give salaams to those whom we know and those whom we don't know (among the Muslims). How will we know the individuals we are giving salaam to are Muslims or not since we don't know them? Do we just assume that they are Muslims by looking at their clothing, their professions (halaal butcher) or any signs that would be hint of their faith or do we just ask them before giving them salaam?

Watching sports

Q: I asked a Moulana whether football was halaal or haraam to watch for men, given that the satr of other men is exposed (thigh, etc.). He replied that I should check with a Mufti, but in his opinion it is ok to watch, as this is part of the game. He also said if it was haraam because of this reason, then we wouldn’t be able to leave the house, as we often come across people wearing shorts, etc.

Something in my heart didn’t settle with this answer. In light of the above (satr uncovered, etc.), is it haraam to watch football/mma/similar sports where this occurs?