
Earning via boosting game accounts

Q: I have been earning via boosting game accounts which is basically leveling them up to a certain level and then selling it to customers. However, the game seems to ban some of my accounts because of the violation of terms of sales whenever it detects me boosting them. Furthermore, I'll have to make sure I create as much randomness as possible in the process of making the account so that I cannot be detected boosting them. I would like to know if this is a haraam or a halaal way of earning as I put a lot of time and effort in boosting these accounts and I make sure they are sold to the customers with complete honesty and warranty of the account.

Respecting one's abusive father

Q: I have a father, he is a worst creature I have ever seen in my life unfortunately. He always abuses us, my mother, his own mother while talking to us almost 7/10 times. He never spends a single penny on us apart from studies.

I am 25 years old and I have seen the emotional torture for the last 25 years. He used to beat our mother, I wish with a dare, I answer his nonsense infront of 10 people, but my mother stops me always saying that he is my father. She actually covers his psycho behaviour.

Some time from now I will get married and I dont want my wife to see such evil stuff, and my children as well (in shaa Allah).

Whenever I think of taking some legal and respectful action against him, to settle down things for atleast me, I am being stopped by my mother in the name of Islam. I want to know my Islamic right, how can I save myself from emotional torture?

We did a medical test for his brain (MRI), it came fine perfectly, the doctor says he has now multiple personality disorder, but I don't agree, since he has been the same person from day 1.

I want go away from him to save myself, and in shaa Allah my future family. Can I do this in Islam, because I am always being stopped in the name of Islam.

Repelling the feeling of the presence of jinn in one's house

Q: We've been affected by sihr and bad eyes for years and its been just over 5 weeks that I am reciting Surah Baqarah weekly in our house... The house is huge so I recite sometimes from the rooms and sometimes central.

What I've noticed is strange.. Cupboards are just starting to break, I feel dizzy and sick with terrible aches. My husband cannot stay alone, he feels jinn presence. I always hear these cupboards shut in almost every bedroom every night and I take it these jinns are there whilst we are sleeping.

We've tried everything from a learned aalim treatments; spraying water to playing the adhaan recorder. What else can I do and why is this still happening? Please advise further.

Giving preference to one's cat over one's mother

Q: There is a dispute between my mother and I regarding the cat which I keep in my house. My mother wants me to remove the cat from the house, whereas I want to keep the cat, and this causes us to fight.

I live separately with my wife and I am not even living with my mother, yet she has made a huge fuss for me to remove the cat from the house and I am not willing to do that.

Please guide me as to what I should do? We have extreme love for cats, but now my mother seldom visits our home and only comes perhaps twice a month.