
The reward of Ishraaq Salaah

Q: I have a question regarding Ishraaq salaah. I noticed a Hadeeth mention something to the effect that whoever offers the Fajr salaah in congregation and then remains seated, remembering Allah until sunrise, and thereafter he performs two rak’ahs, he will receive the reward of one complete Hajj and one complete Umrah.

My question is directed at the part that says 'remains seated remembering Allah until sunrise'. In our masjid, there is a tafsir program that takes place at the back of the masjid after the salaah is over, so I do not remain seated in the same place. I also drop my father off at home thereafter. Will the reward still be the same if I come back to the masjid afterwards and wait until the sunrise comes to read the Ishraaq Salaah?

Performing Tahajjud Salaah in pairs of 2 and 4

Q: We know that praying 8 rakaah in tahajud is sunnah but there is no limit on the number of rakaah.

My question is should we pray these 8 rakaah in pairs of 2 or 4 and if we want to pray in pairs of 4 for example 4+4 is 8 so should we recite another surah after fatiha in the third and fourth rakkah because we know that reciting a surah after fatiha in the third and fourth rakaah is wajib in sunnah e muakadah and ghair e muakadah.

Children standing next to their fathers in the saff during salaah

Q: I wanted to ask the mas'alah regarding children standing in saffs with the men. I always knew that small boys should stand behind the saffs of the men. However, I have noticed a trend of small boys standing next to their fathers.

It just worries me and I am inconvenienced at these small boys standing beside me in the saff. Please advise and guide as to what is correct according to Shariah.

Doubts in salaah

Q: Most of the time, I feel during Salah, I didn't do sujood or didn't recite Surah Fatiha, or didn't say tashahhud or didn't pray complete rakaats so I most of the time do Sajda Sahw. Am I doing it correct?