
A person will not be accountable for stray thoughts

Q: Is it really so that our evil thoughts are forgiven so long as we don't bring them in action because of the hadith in bukhari narrated by Abu Huraira (radhiyallahu anhu):

The Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "Allah has forgiven my followers the evil thoughts that occur to their minds, as long as such thoughts are not put into action or uttered." And Qatada (radhiyallahu anhu) said, "If someone divorces his wife just in his mind, such an unuttered divorce has no effect." Sahih al bukhari hadith no 5269

Pulling the wishbone on Thanksgiving

Q: There is a tradition on thanksgiving where 2 people pull the wishbone of a turkey and whoever is left with the bigger part of the bone that persons wish will come true. I know celebrating thanksgiving is not allowed and I know that only Allah grants things, but if I pull the wishbone with my cousin not with the intention of getting my wishes come true but with the intention of just having fun, is it kufr?

Making taqleed of one darul iftaa

Q: Kindly advise me on the following:

have been taught that to make Taqleed is Waajib in terms of Fiqh related matters, that is why we make Taqleed of the 4 Imaams.

Due to multitude of Fitan that are present in the Ummah today, is it Waajib to make Taqleed of a fatwa department or 1 of any of the organisations Or what should be done?

Authenticity of “My DNA origins”

Q: A Muslim doctor advises something called “My DNA origins” on her website. I would appreciate Mufti Saheb’s comment on the permissibility of such tests. In the description it states:

The modern human (Homo sapiens) originated in Africa, the continent where we have spent most of our existence, some 200 000 – 300 000 years ago. It was onlyabout 60 000 – 70 000 years ago that a small East thAfrican population migrated out-of-Africa, giving birth to all non-African populations. As genetic diversity continues to increase with time, so the greater genetic diversity within the much older African population can be better explained.

One group of the out-of-Africa migrants moved east, reaching India, Southeast Asia and finally Australia approximately 50 000 years ago.

Another group of out-of-Africa migrants moved to the Near East/Arabian Peninsula, and further split into two groups; one eventually reaching and settling in Europe about 45 000 years ago, and the other returning to the continent to settle in North Africa. The populations that settled on the Asian continent eventually reached Siberia. Approximately 15 000 – 20 000 years ago they crossed the Bering Strait, reaching the American continent for the first time.

Ancient DNA studies showed that when the modern humans travelled out-of-Africa, they crossed paths with other human groups, namely Neanderthals and Denisovans. Hence, the genome of current European and Asian populations has approximately 2.3% of Neanderthal input; and the Southeast Asian population can have up to 4% of Denisovan input in their genomes. Interestingly, the Sub-Saharan African population does not have any input of either Neanderthal or Denisovan in their genomes, as these groups were never present in Africa.

Given the origin and migration of our species, human populations have primarily been organised into three large ancestral groups: African (Sub-Saharan Africa), Asian (more precisely East Asia) and Eurasian (not only Europe, but related by ancestry, Southwest Asia, North Africa and to some extent Central Asia).

There are gradients of genetic diversity between the human populations – some DNA variants are more frequent in certain regions than in others. Thus, as we analyse millions of DNA variants at the same time, we acquire an excellent resolution in identifying the origin of an individual based on their specific genetic profile.

Reading novels

Q: I would like to know that after doing my work, namaz, reading Quraan and other works, so that nobodys rights are violated, what books or stories can one read for one's enjoyment, as one likes reading. Can one read books or stories of detective nature, like "whodoneit" fiction.

I am talking about books and novels of Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle, Brain Cleeve etc. not romance or filthy books and novels. Detective stories can help to use one's brains. It can also be brain exercise as I think.

As we do taleem at night when everyone is together. In taleen as you know we do read Fazail e aamaal and Sadaqat, and Muntakhab Ahaadis. There is also time when we do zikr and wazaifs. But after doing all this can one read the stories in free time for entertaiment or to enjoy one self?

One cannot do taleem etc all the time, then it might make others bored or hectic, that all the time the same thing one has to do, reading and wazaif etc. One has to have a time for a little entertainment and being jolly but of halal nature. When one is travelling in a train etc so that one does not get bored or get involved in idle talk etc. What is the solution to this?

May Allah forgive me for the nature of question asked but just for clarification and not for shunning reading Quran, doing taleem or zikr etc.