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Paying off a loan after one's creditor passes away Unsettled debts, Loans & Debts, Business and Dealings
Using money given to one by a non-Muslim Gifts, Business and Dealings
Women wearing high heel shoes Clothing for Women, Dress & Attire
Sufed discharge Haiz, Istihaazah owr Nifaas, Khawateen ke Masaail, Urdu Questions
Cancelling a partnership Partnerships, Business and Dealings
Rectifying one's mistake Advice
Inheritance Inheritance
Inheritance Inheritance
Musaafir performing four rakaats Esha Salaah in Muzdalifah Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Muzdalifah, Hajj & Umrah
Confusion between clear and yellow discharge Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Husband taking more than the mahr after khula Khula', Talaaq
Kissing one's topi, musalla and the Quraan Majeed Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan, Qur'an
What should be done with extra money collected by the cashiers? Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Qaseedah Ghosiya Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Performing qasr salaah in Makkah Qasar Salaah and Full Salaah, Safar, Salaah
Disposing of interest money Interest and Gambling, Interest money, Business and Dealings
Fear of wearing hijaab in public Hijaab & Purdah, Women's Issues
Paying zakaat monthly Various masaail of zakaat, Zakaat
What scripture was given to Yahya (alaihis salaam)? Aqaaid, Divine Books
Aslam naam rakhna Naamo, Urdu Questions
What colour discharge is regarded as haidh? Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Is credit guarantee (CGIC) permissible in Islam? Insurance and Medical aid, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Using toys with sounds for babies Upbringing and Tarbiyah, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Period for consoling the bereaved Ta'ziyah (Consoling the Bereaved), Janaazah
Taking fertile soil from campus for one's personal use Rights of people, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Delivering haraam food for Uber eats Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Airtime Advance Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Sharing pictures of people on social media Social Media, Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Sincerity in actions Tasawwuf
Receiving zakaat if one does not have zakaat nisaab Recipients of Zakaat, Zakaat
Will wudhu break through eating camel meat? Wudhu, Factors that break wudhu, Tahaarat
Making masah of the nape in wudhu Sunnats and aadaab of wudhu, Wudhu, Tahaarat
Burying a Quraan that has printing mistakes Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan, Qur'an
Reciting surahs in sequence in salaah Qiraat in Salaah, Qiraat, Method of Salaah, Salaah
Sick person falling asleep during salaah Those things which render the Salaah invalid, Salaah
Keeping the name Yumna Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Women going out to work Women working, Business and Dealings
Marrying one's cousin Those women with whom nikaah is permissible, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Nikaah performed in the state of janaabat Janaabat, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Taking an interest bearing loan to start a business Interest and Gambling, Interest bearing loans & Transactions, Business and Dealings
Selling samples Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Ad dekhne ki kamaai Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Using a plate with a silver line around it Etiquettes, Food and Drink
How much mahr is a woman entitled to? Mahr, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Teaching and learning Quraan in the state of haidh Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Establishing Jumuah Salaah in a place where people are not punctual on the five daily salaah The importance of Jumuah Salaah, Jumuah
Custody of children after divorce and purdah with step siblings Custody of children, Talaaq
Making intention of nafl salaah and fulfillment of a vow Intention, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Presenting fake certificates when applying for a job Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Playing monopoly Sports & Games, Miscellaneous