
Women's dressing at home

Q: I wanted to ask a question regarding the dressing of women in their own homes. In my house we have our own gym area where me, my mother, and sisters exercise. While exercising they usually wear shorts that go till the knees and a low cut tank top that shows their cleavage. Their nipples are sometimes also visible sometimes. Is this allowed Islamically if there is no fear of fitnah?

Intention for joining the military was to serve one's religion

Q: I am an ex-military pilot. I was forced to leave the military by some high-ranking officials due to their ego. I never imagined my life away from jihad. I dreamt of getting martyred in the battlefield.

Please tell me how this will be compensated and what reward will there be for me on the Day of Judgement for my nine years of jihad. Will I be counted as a Ghazi or Shaheed, or none? Remember, my pure intention was to serve my religion and nothing else.

This setback has left me in complete depression and stress.

Speaking lies

Q: What should I do when I have cheated in Quran hifz and I have only learned 20 parahs. Now my teacher wants to take tests from me. If I tell the truth it would mean great disrespect to my family. I am very depressed.