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Biwi ko hoor kehna Huqooq, Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Performing salaah and fasting as fidyah Fidyah for missed Salaahs, Fidyah, Qadha Salaah, Salaah, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Working according to one's degree Permissible and Impermissible employment, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Marne ke bad, rooh ko aasmaan me jaana Mutafarriq Masaail, Janaazah, Urdu Questions
Calculating safar distance from the boundary of one's town Calculating Safar Distance, Safar, Salaah
Keeping a cat being a sunnah Animals & Pets, Miscellaneous
Spelling of durood Durood, Zikr & Dua
Opening a medical store Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Husband being responsible for wife's maintenance during iddat Iddat, Women's Issues
Time for Tahajjud Times of Salaah, Tahajjud, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Sin for being determined to carry out a sinful action General, Miscellaneous
Touching Manzil without wudhu Etiquettes and respect for the Quraan, Wudhu, Qur'an
Qadha for performing Asr Salaah in the Shaafi time Times of Salaah, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
Giving interest money to a domestic worker to build a house Interest and Gambling, Interest money, Business and Dealings
Reciting the same surah in both rakaats of a fardh salaah Qiraat in Salaah, Qiraat, Method of Salaah, Salaah
Khana ka waqt Quraan Shareef ki tilaawat mobile par chalana Aadaab, Khaana peena, Urdu Questions
Azaan ke waqt sar pe dopatta rakhna Ijaabat-e-azaan, Azaan, Namaaz, Urdu Questions
Taking rent from a property that one had gifted to his children Gifts, Business and Dealings
Woman conducting a nikaah Conditions for the validity of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Buying electricity from different countries and working in electrical plants Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Average time to take a ghusal and getting rid of doubts Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Repenting from making bracelets that have signs of shirk Taubah and Repentance, Miscellaneous
Saying "asul" (اسُولُ) instead of "rasul" (رَسُولُ) when trying to recite the shahaadah Aqaaid, Imaan
Making zikr while testing hifz students Durood, Zikr & Dua
Keeping the name Elina Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Forex trading Trade, Various masaail of trade, Business and Dealings
The Hadith Regarding Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saving a dua for his Ummat on the Day of Qiyaamah Commentary, Hadith
Keeping tortoises and keeping names of the Ambiyaa for pets Animals & Pets, Miscellaneous
Eating rabbits Halaal Food & Drinks, Food and Drink
Performing salaah at home due to fear of contracting the virus Importance of Salaah with jamaat, Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Befriending Ahmadiyyah's and maintaining family ties with people involved in sin Family ties, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Drinking non-alcoholic drinks Doubtful Foods & Drinks, Food and Drink
Virtue of passing away on a Friday for one who passed away on Friday night Miscellaneous masaail of Janaazah, Janaazah
Purchasing from a person who did not yet taken possession of the item Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Teaching females horse riding Leaving the Home, Women's Issues
Eik shareek ko nuqsaan ka zimmedaar banana Shirkat, Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Investing in the stock market Investments and shares, Business and Dealings
Facing the qiblah while making ghusl Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Bila zaroorat qasam khana Qasam owr mannat, Urdu Questions
Sunnah duas to recite during wudhu Sunnats and aadaab of wudhu, Wudhu, Tahaarat
Standing behind the imaam if there are no other muqtadis Straightening the saffs, Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Birth spacing Pregnancy, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Qarz dena is shart par ke daftari ikhraajaat qarzdaar ke oopar he Tijaarat aur us ke mutalliq masaail, Urdu Questions
Was Ibn Sina a Shia? General, Miscellaneous
Eating shark Sea Creatures, Food and Drink
Parents preventing their daughter from marrying a man who had a bad past Masaail pertaining to the Wali and Compatibility between spouses, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
By whose names will people be called on the Day of Qiyaamah? Aqaaid, Qiyaamah
Doing istinjaa in a shower Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Zakaat on a debt that is payable after a long period of time Factors that make Zakaat compulsory, Zakaat
70 000 pehla kalima parhna Dua owr Zikr, Urdu Questions