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Murde ke tasweer ko social media par upload karna Mutafarriq Masaail, Tasweer, Janaazah, Mutafarriqaat, Urdu Questions
Method of making salaam with the imaam after salaah Method of Salaah, Qa’dah and Salaam, Salaah
Rewards for doing acts of kindness without any intention Aqaaid, Ibaadat and Good actions
Purchasing products that have a cross Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Why are men favoured with more rewards in paradise? Aqaaid, Jannah
Finding a pious spouse in this day and age Various masaail of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Reciting a Shaadh Qiraat Recitation and Listening to the Quraan, Qur'an
Women uploading their own profile photos on LinkedIn and Instagram Social Media, Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Removing thoughts that one's duas are not being accepted Etiquettes of Dua, Zikr & Dua
Organizing a ladies soccer tournament Sports & Games, Miscellaneous
Imaam renting out a waqf house and earning a rental from it Waqf
Using lillah for personal use and doing a transfer into the lillah account and using lillah to pay for bank charges Lillah and charity, Zakaat
Giving a holiday to a non-Muslim employee on his festival Various masaail of Business and Dealings, Business and Dealings
Paying for a loan taken from the marhoom Inheritance
Baaligh hote hee shaadi kar lena Sharaait, Shaadi, Urdu Questions
Definition of one shar'ee mile Meaning of Islamic words, Tayammum, Tahaarat, Miscellaneous
Woman in iddat going into her backyard Iddat, Women's Issues
Husband telling his wife the words of divorce 7 times during the day Three Talaaqs, Talaaq
Istisnaa’ (Ordering the Manufacture of an Item) Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Selling the carpets of the musjid
Performing nafl salaah if one has qadha salaahs Nawaafil, Various Masaail on Qadha Salaah, Witr and Nawaafil, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
Fidyah for missed salaah Fidyah for missed Salaahs, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
Return journey being safr distance Qasar Salaah and Full Salaah, Safar, Salaah
Removing pubic hair is not a prerequisite for ghusal to be valid Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Ghusal, Hair and Nails, Removing unwanted hair, Tahaarat, Women's Issues, Dress & Attire
Teacher doing academic criticism Aqaaid, Kufr
Meaning of the word rajaa in the Quraan Translation, Qur'an
Biwi ko haqq-e-talaaq dena ke bad khood talaaq dena Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Talaad bolne se kiya talaaq waaqi hojayegi? Talaaq, Urdu Questions
Muslim attending non-Muslim festivals Aqaaid, Celebrations and Customs
Husband suspending talaaq on a condition Suspending the Talaaq, Talaaq
Horoscopes and zodiac signs Aqaaid, Fortune Telling
Creation of the earth and theory of evolution Aqaaid, Kufr
Housewife comparing herself to other women Advice
Wishing for one's non-Muslim girlfriend to accept Islam Those women with whom nikaah is not permissible, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Meaning of 'Allah Ta'ala is everywhere' Allah Ta'ala, Aqaaid
Pretending to be professional graphic designer Various masaail of Business and Dealings, Business and Dealings
Making a statement that Allah Ta'ala is taking all the good people back to Him Aqaaid, Kufr
Women's satr exposed in salaah Clothing and Covering the Aurah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Women's Salaah, Salaah
Taking an interest bearing loan to buy a house Interest and Gambling, Interest bearing loans & Transactions, Business and Dealings
Selling organic and non organic vegetables Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Cheating on one's fiancée Premarital relationships, Advice
Validity of wudhu or ghusal if one has olive oil on one's hair Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Faraaidh of wudhu, Wudhu, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Remaining silent when knowing of a false accusation Rights of people, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Reminding a person to perform salaah The importance of Salaah, Salaah
Wearing shoes thinking that the word Allah is written on it Miscellaneous, Dress & Attire
Abortion Abortion, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Kisi musalmaan ko kaafir shumaar karna Aqeeda, Kufr, Urdu Questions
Intending to donate money but thereafter investing it and then donating Lillah and charity, Zakaat
Method of taking bay'at to a Shaikh for a girl Tasawwuf
Zakaat on jewellery of unknown metals Gold, silver and cash, Zakaat