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Making salaam to people who we don't know whether they are Muslim or not Etiquettes, Salaam & Greeting, Miscellaneous
Father distributing his wealth during his lifetime Gifts, Business and Dealings, Inheritance
Father discharging his daughter's zakaat on her behalf without informing her Discharging zakaat, Zakaat
Selling women's western clothing Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
People converting to Islam during the Qatar World Cup Aqaaid, Imaan, Sports & Games, Miscellaneous
Parts from an animal that are haraam to consume Things which are permissible & impermissible to consume from the animal, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Women travelling without a mahram according to the new law of the Saudi government Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Travelling with a mahram, Hajj & Umrah
Claiming the fruit from one's neighbour's tree Rights of people, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Purchasing items during festive season sales Aqaaid, Celebrations and Customs
Intention to make when helping others Good Character, Etiquettes, Miscellaneous
Reason for an aayat of the Quraan to cause Hazrat Aaishah (radhiyallahu anha) to weep Sahaabah, History
Accepting the invitation of a person whose source of income is by selling drugs Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Hosting, Business and Dealings, Food and Drink
Wife asking for khula on the basis of husband not fulfilling her sexual needs Khula', Talaaq
Joining Zuhr and Asr Salaahs in one salaah time Combining Salaahs on a Journey, Safar, Salaah
Having intimate relations on the first night of nikaah Masaail relating to intimacy, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Redistributing an estate that was not distributed according to Shariah Inheritance
The 8 intentions to make before any action Aqaaid, Ibaadat and Good actions
Using a suppository while fasting Factors that break and don't break the fast, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Making salaam after two rakaats of a four rakaat sunnah salaah when jamaat salaah commences Sunan-e-Muakkadah, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Hating the sin and not the sinner Good Character, Concealing and Revealing Peoples Faults, Miscellaneous
Sunnats and aadaab when visiting the graveyard Visiting the graveyard, Janaazah
Bringing a child who is still in nappies to the musjid Mustahab and Makrooh actions, Etiquettes of the Musjid, Musjid
Assuming that all the secular banks in the country deal in riba Interest and Gambling, Interest money, Business and Dealings
Following a mazhab Aqaaid, Taqleed
Kiya gali dene se wudhu tut jaata hai? Nawaaqiz-e-wudhu, Wudhu, Tahaarat, Urdu Questions
Woman in the state of haidh reading Surah Ikhlaas 75000 times as esaale thawaab Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Esaal-e-Sawaab, Women's Issues, Janaazah
Right of a mother in making decisions for her children Upbringing and Tarbiyah, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Planting trees or shrubs on graves Carrying and burying the deceased, Janaazah
Performing sajdah sahw if one forgets to make qawmah and jalsah Sajda-e-Sahw, Salaah
Exchanging an item that was not halaal for cash
Length of one long aayat for qiraat in salaah to be valid Qiraat in Salaah, Qiraat, Method of Salaah, Salaah
Reading Zuhr Salaah in a rural area Conditions for Jumuah Salaah, Jumuah
Selling an item for a higher price on credit Trade, Credit transactions, Business and Dealings
Listening to vocal only nazams that has a musical tune Music, Nasheeds and Nazams, Miscellaneous
Owning a gun Weapons, Miscellaneous
Non-Muslim slaughtering one's aqeeqah animal Laws pertaining to the Slaughterer, Qurbaani & Halaal Slaughter
Applying mendhi patterns Beautification, Tattoos and Mehndi, Dress & Attire
Dressing one's children in Islamic attire Clothing for Children, Dress & Attire
Fear of waswasah at the time of death Masaail pertaining to the dying person, Janaazah
Zakaat on empty land Factors that make Zakaat compulsory, Zakaat
Helping one's husband quit vaping Smoking and Intoxicants, Food and Drink
Missing one day of kaffaarah fast due to traveling Qadha and Kaffara, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Who should participate in the ghusl of a deceased person? Ghusal, Janaazah
Trading in crypto currencies, normal currencies and trading in stocks Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Woman removing her earrings when making ghusl Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal, Ghusal, Tahaarat
Mixing of girls and boys while learning Quraan Aqaaid, Acquiring Deeni Knowledge
Wazifah for repelling bad thoughts before sleeping Ruqyah, Wazifas
Woman wearing loose clothing when performing salaah Clothing and Covering the Aurah, Conditions for the validity of Salaah, Salaah
Taking natural medicines to get rid of white hair Medication, Medical treatment, Miscellaneous