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Performing salaah in a musallah if there is a musjid in the vicinity Importance of Salaah with jamaat, Jamaat Salaah and Imaamat, Salaah
Meaning of the name Nasreen Girls Names, Names, Surnames & Titles
Paying a child's school fees with zakaat money without informing the child or the parents Discharging zakaat, Zakaat
Ruling regarding those who omit the sunnah muakkadah salaah Sunan-e-Muakkadah, Witr and Nawaafil, Salaah
Woman refusing marriage proposals because she feels she is not 'mentally ready' Various masaail of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Meaning of amr bil maroof and inviting towards Islam Dawat and Tabligh
Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahimahullah) being a Mujaddid Salafus Saaliheen (Pious Predecessors), History
Tableegh and Taleem Dawat and Tabligh
Female doctor Hijaab & Purdah, Women's Issues
Tying ihraam from Jeddah Miqaat, Conditions & Fundamentals of Hajj and Umrah, Ihraam, Hajj & Umrah
Friend taking an interest-bearing loan from a bank on one's behalf Interest and Gambling, Interest bearing loans & Transactions, Business and Dealings
Shaving the hair of a newborn baby girl on the 7th day Birth, Pregnancy and Parenting, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Breathable nail polish Beautification, Beauty Products, Dress & Attire
CBD oil for medicinal reasons Medication, Medical treatment, Miscellaneous
The Islamic ruling regarding Takaaful Insurance Insurance and Medical aid, Interest and Gambling, Business and Dealings
Participating in khatams and salaami Aqaaid, Bid'ah
Eating meat or chicken from a non-Muslim restaurant Doubtful Foods & Drinks, Food and Drink
Sutrah ki mothai aur unchaai Namaaz, Namaaz ke mutafarriq masaail, Urdu Questions
Informing the children of their biological father Nasab, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Accepting an invitation for a meal from a non-Muslim Hosting, Food and Drink
Muslims going for holidays Places of Vice, Miscellaneous
Selling books authored by Salafis Aqaaid, Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books, Business and Dealings
Differentiating between mazi and mani Impurities on clothing and furniture, Impurities, Tahaarat
Distributing properties of an estate according to share of inheritance Inheritance
Female exposing her hair to a non-Muslim when doing laser hair removal
Respecting one's father while knowing that he commits adultery Rights of parents, Rights of servants, Miscellaneous
Asr namaaz ke bad, tawaaf ke do rakaat parhna Hajj owr Umrah, Urdu Questions
Befriending non-Muslims and buying haraam food for them Dealing with non-Muslims, Miscellaneous
Renting out one's premises to someone who will be conducting a haraam business Hiring and Renting, Ijaarah, Business and Dealings
Using scented soap in ihraam Jinaayaat, Hajj & Umrah
Wife's obligation towards her husband is greater than her parents and siblings Various masaail of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Performing wudhu and ghusl in the sehen (courtyard) of the Musjid Various masaail of the Musjid, Musjid
Taking possession of an item before selling it Trade, Valid & Invalid transactions, Business and Dealings
Throwing away date seeds that have come from Madinah Shareef General, Miscellaneous
Receiving haraam money as payment for a loan Loans, Loans & Debts, Business and Dealings
Getting haidh after every 15 days Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas, Women's Issues
Parents forcing child to memorize the Quraan
Feeling lazy to carry out extra ibaadat Aqaaid, Ibaadat and Good actions
Is fanaa fillah the first stage of marifah? Tasawwuf
Impermissibility of Tazia during Muharram Aqaaid, Bid'ah
Qasam torne se pehle kaffaarah ka itibaar nahi Qasam owr mannat, Urdu Questions
Fasting for a traveler who left one country on 30th Ramadhaan and reached another country on Eid afternoon Various masaail of fasting, Ramadhaan & Fasting
Women attending functions Leaving the Home, Women's Issues
Selling water to one's neighbours and tenants Permissible and impermissible items of trade, Trade, Business and Dealings
Saying the iqaamat when making qadha salaah Azaan and Iqaamah, Laws of Iqaamah, Various Masaail on Qadha Salaah, Qadha Salaah, Salaah
Misyar nikaah Various masaail of Nikaah, Nikaah & Marriage Issues
Using animation for the purpose of training staff Pictures & Videos, Miscellaneous
Angels seeing what we do Aqaaid, Angels
Rukoo and sajdah for a person performing salaah on a chair Salaah of a sick person, Salaah
Old person taking support when getting up from sajdah Salaah of a sick person, Salaah